Monday, November 9, 2009

Biblical Prosperity

God desires that we prosper, 3 John v2.

We will encounter persecution and tribulation as Jesus said, but his intention is that we overcome in it.

It is obvious that God created life to succeed and to grow. Difficulties have come in through the fall, and through God's response to the fall. Despite these, God calls us to be overcomers, and empowers us to overcome by the presence of his Spirit.

To prosper is to live fully and productively, to function richly and abundantly, to enjoy the life God gave us. There will be things we need to learn to allow this to happen of course.
Prosperity includes having the finance that you need for the works God has called you to. It is not abundance for abundance's sake, and it is not self-centred or greedy.

God desires that his children prosper and succed in what they do, whether it be business, minstry or whatever else one is called into.

We are not called to love money, or put our hope in it, or in earthly things. We ARE encouraged to enjoy even the things of this world however, provided they do not take over in our hearts from the first love we have for Jesus.


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