Monday, November 8, 2010

Kingdom Faith 2- Mammon

We are called to live in a spiritually hostile world. Attempts to organise heaven on earth have generally failed. We can live in a heavenly manner of conduct here on earth regarding provision (and indeed in everything). God will ensure that this world order is overuled where we are concerned when we do this. This is seen in teaching regarding the necessities of life. Jesus assures us that if we will seek to live according to the precepts of heaven, we will be cared for and provided for without having to get anxious about provision. Matthew chapter 6 verse19 onwards contains a mandate to establish Kingdom rule regarding provision.

There is debate about whether Mammon represents a personification, an evil principality, behind the monetary system or just plain money. Because of the context, I incline to the first point of view. The hold money seems to have on us is such that we have immense problems actually putting into practice the teaching of Jesus, regarding seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then trusting money to sort itself out. If Jesus is really taken at face value here, the control money appears to have over the affairs of men is actually a delusion. If we put into effect the living words of Jesus, the control and restrictions money appears to put in our way will crumble before our eyes! Do we really believe this? Let's ask God to help us see things this way!

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