The Bible is designed to assist as we seek to tune ourselves in to God's way of living, as we seek to learn to live in fellowship with Him, to experience His presence, and to shine forth His goodness to the world. God is fitting us out for eternal life and unfathomable and unforseen blessing.
We are (or should be) learning His nature, His values, His way of relating. All of this is going to be somewhat alien to those who have learned their outlook and beliefs from dealings with this world system. As I sit in a Cafe writing this, I eavesdrop on South African surburbanites, very many of whom still profess to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The dominant subject of conversation is money, business and possessions. But we are called to live in a very different way.
This world order, which seems so substantial, is a temporary aberration in the sight of God. We need to learn Kingdom living. The outcome of Kingdom living in this world is not entirely predictable. It can bring favour, but it also may bring persecution. This is a reason most of us prefer to hold onto worldly semblances of security and control. It is this false and temporary security that Jesus was offering to deal with in the rich young ruler, Luke 18v22. (Unfortunately, in the short term at least, he was not responsive). Kingdom living brings some guaranteed benefits, as David realised, Psalm 103 v2-5. Our eternal wellbeing is guaranteed. If we suffer in this world, He is with us and our would-be tormentors will realise that He can make for us a spiritual and emotional banquet in the presence of our enemies.
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