When we were trying to think of a name for our ministry, I was reminded of a prophetic dream in which I (being single then) appeared in the form of an aircraft! (I spent some time working in aviation-related industries and have been interested in aircraft for as long as I can remember). The aircraft was a US military plane nicknamed 'Freedom Fighter' during the stand against communism (the Northrop F5). The aircraft in my dream was dropping benign weapons (if there is such a thing) on various establishments including schools. I had this dream in 1992 so it has been a while in realization. Later, at the time when we were seeking to name the ministry, we were attending a church called 'River of Life'. So we decided (Julia's suggestion) to call ourselves 'Flow of Freedom' Ministries. A couple of people said it was too political in the South African context, so I called our website 'Live in the Liberty'. This is a similar ethos, but then it seems to also be a slogan for some gay rights group! Anyway, hopefully you know what we are getting at with the names.
All this is preamble to the fact that I want to understand, and for others to understand, how we live in the freedom Christ paid for on our behalf. More of that later.
A question. What does freedom really look like?
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Gal 5:1 NIV)
Now freedom really means freedom, especially if it is God's idea of freedom. When we are truly, fully, in the Spirit, we are free.
Free to do what we want? Yes!!!
Hang on a minute, you say. Please bear with me.
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Gal 5:16 KJV)
The lust of the flesh is the stuff we sometimes want to do but know we should not. However, if we walk fully in the Spirit, we won't do that stuff. The more we walk in the Spirit, the less we will do that stuff.
Think of someone you know who really seems full of Jesus. Do they seem free? Are they doing what they want to do or are they laboring hard to do the right thing? The two people I am thinking of are generally free and doing what they want to do. They seem harmonious and happy. I can think of some seemingly very worthy and earnest, disciplined people in ministry. I may admire them but I do not really want to be like them. I want to be free! We are new creations in Christ. I do not believe we are called to live in a turmoil of inner confusion, fighting our desires all the time. We are called to a willing, loving overflow, surely!
If we are sons and daughters of the King, we share His nature. It is natural for us to show forth the fruits of His life.
The fruits of His life in us are the same as the fruits of the Spirit. God is One; Father, Son and Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5v22-24 for what the fruit of the Spirit looks like).
This harmony between will and action is where we are headed. The Kingdom of God will be a place of complete harmony, inward and outward. However we cannot continue to love things like conflict and oppression and expect to enter the Kingdom of God in that state.*
I am not saying that there will be no temptations while we are on earth. I am not saying that there will not be times when we will have to yield to the guidance of God against our inclinations (again only while we are living in this fallen world order, and even then He will help us). Recently I had zero inclination to return from a nice break, but I knew God wanted me to return. In the end He let us stay on a little longer, during which time He graced me to return.now I am happy to be back.
What I am saying is that the more we learn to abide in His life, His love, the more we will find we are doing what we really want to do. A servant does what he does not want to do in order to be able to finish work and do what he wants for a while. A true son or daughter does what they want. What they want is good. What they want is for the family of God to be Happy. does this smack of 'Happy Clappy' Christianity? Well provided it is inward 'happy' and not just outward 'happy', then yes, why not? (The clapping is optional). We are new creations; our new creation self is in inward harmony.
Why do we not always experience this? Maybe we only experience it rarely; a tantalizing taste. Well, I think there are attitudes which keep us out, or bump us out, of this peaceful, fulfilled place of abiding in the Spirit. I want to look at one in my next post.
All this is preamble to the fact that I want to understand, and for others to understand, how we live in the freedom Christ paid for on our behalf. More of that later.
A question. What does freedom really look like?
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (Gal 5:1 NIV)
Now freedom really means freedom, especially if it is God's idea of freedom. When we are truly, fully, in the Spirit, we are free.
Free to do what we want? Yes!!!
Hang on a minute, you say. Please bear with me.
This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (Gal 5:16 KJV)
The lust of the flesh is the stuff we sometimes want to do but know we should not. However, if we walk fully in the Spirit, we won't do that stuff. The more we walk in the Spirit, the less we will do that stuff.
Think of someone you know who really seems full of Jesus. Do they seem free? Are they doing what they want to do or are they laboring hard to do the right thing? The two people I am thinking of are generally free and doing what they want to do. They seem harmonious and happy. I can think of some seemingly very worthy and earnest, disciplined people in ministry. I may admire them but I do not really want to be like them. I want to be free! We are new creations in Christ. I do not believe we are called to live in a turmoil of inner confusion, fighting our desires all the time. We are called to a willing, loving overflow, surely!
If we are sons and daughters of the King, we share His nature. It is natural for us to show forth the fruits of His life.
The fruits of His life in us are the same as the fruits of the Spirit. God is One; Father, Son and Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5v22-24 for what the fruit of the Spirit looks like).
This harmony between will and action is where we are headed. The Kingdom of God will be a place of complete harmony, inward and outward. However we cannot continue to love things like conflict and oppression and expect to enter the Kingdom of God in that state.*
I am not saying that there will be no temptations while we are on earth. I am not saying that there will not be times when we will have to yield to the guidance of God against our inclinations (again only while we are living in this fallen world order, and even then He will help us). Recently I had zero inclination to return from a nice break, but I knew God wanted me to return. In the end He let us stay on a little longer, during which time He graced me to return.now I am happy to be back.
What I am saying is that the more we learn to abide in His life, His love, the more we will find we are doing what we really want to do. A servant does what he does not want to do in order to be able to finish work and do what he wants for a while. A true son or daughter does what they want. What they want is good. What they want is for the family of God to be Happy. does this smack of 'Happy Clappy' Christianity? Well provided it is inward 'happy' and not just outward 'happy', then yes, why not? (The clapping is optional). We are new creations; our new creation self is in inward harmony.
Why do we not always experience this? Maybe we only experience it rarely; a tantalizing taste. Well, I think there are attitudes which keep us out, or bump us out, of this peaceful, fulfilled place of abiding in the Spirit. I want to look at one in my next post.
*All this has an effect on whether we can believe the Theory of
Evolution for the Origin of Species: see my Logic and Creation blog if this interests you!
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